Bt   java bittorrent done right

Release 1.7

Release 1.7 was published to Maven Central on February 26th, 2018.

Changes/New Features:

  • Support for file selection (aka partial downloads)

Bug Fixes/Improvements:

  • Avoid creation of unnessary empty dirs when reading from a FileSystemStorageUnit that maps to an absent file
  • BEncoder: sort dictionary keys as raw byte sequences, not alphanumerical strings #50
  • Randomized rarest-first selector behaves like a sequential selector when peers are seeds #53
  • Empty files should not prevent successful verification of torrent’s data
  • NPE in DefaultChannelPipeline when there are unprocessed leftovers from MSE handshake #57
  • Incorrect behavior when the same peer participates in more than one torrent #67